Recipe: Alys Fowler’s Wild Green Salsa Verde

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A couple of hours spent foraging can yield a nutritional and flavoursome bounty of wild greens. This simple recipe is one of the wonderful ways in which you can use them.




2 handfuls of mixed wild herbs, including bitter ones (you can steam the herbs first to ensure a milder taste)

Two dessert spoons of good quality olive oil

Two dessert spoons of white balsamic or sherry vinegar

Pinch of good quality salt

Two dessert spoons of Greek yoghurt

One raw shallot

Two free-range, organic boiled eggs



Wash the herbs thoroughly, discarding any damaged bits and tough stems. Mix all ingredients together using a blender, or finely chop with a sharp knife.

Traditionally this would be served, alongside your eggs, with boiled potatoes (such as Pink Fir Apple or Charlottes). It’s equally delicious served on dark rye bread!

You can find this recipe on page 84 of Aly’s book ‘The Thrifty Forager’. Haven't read it yet? Check out our Lush Library book review on it, here

Learn all about foraging your own wild greens from Lush Life reporter, Cath and Alys Fowler's Spring foraging adventure in this video!


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