Ese Bilgic, founder and CEO of She’s Sassy Media

“Cath is absolutely amazing! I really can’t recommend her highly enough, she’s a content writing queen, her brain creates masterpieces that you never want to finish. Cath has an incredible talent for writing, I really love the work she produces and will continue to use and recommend her (highly).”

Etoile de Kment, creator sales executive at Wild Vision

“I've been lucky enough to collaborate with Cath as a content creator, as well as having her as my manager. As a leader, Cath brings so much positivity to hype up her team. She tactfully pushes her people to their full potential, which has been incredibly valuable for me. She's organised, professional, structured and empathetic. Cath joined our team as a pro at all things project management. She brought innovation to our team in her first month with us, mainly through the use of Scrum and Agile principles. Her introduction of a more efficient content planning system, and general way of working, made a massive difference to our social team's morale and productivity.

I've learned so much from Cath's approach to content creation and risk management. She's engaged, creative and consistently comes up with great ideas. She's got a great knack for refining these into engaging, polished content that's of a really high standard.

Creative copywriting and project management is where Cath truly shines. Her work is impressive - she can write a wide variety of comm types and has a natural talent for adapting her tone of voice to speak to her target reader on multiple levels. You only have to read Cath's blogs to see how talented and creative her wordplay is - she's a true inspiration to me.”

Jake Ranson, chief executive officer at Paylink Solutions

“Cathleen was instrumental in helping our new business find a tone of voice, sharp positioning and craft a compelling brand story. Cath’s department spanned content creation, brand development, web copy, seo, Direct Response, Social Media, presentations / pitches and investor relations. Cath has complementary gifts of being able to write copy that people want to read whilst organising and energise those around her. She would be an asset to any firm in need of these skills.”

Taya Black, manager at Lush Exeter, freelance writer and photographer

“Cath is a highly motivated, passionate and articulate writer. She is able to give positive and constructive feedback to her peers and look objectively at projects that we all work on which is a truly wonderful skill to have.

I understand she also looks at communication strategy and content planning and is able to manage her time effortlessly (or at least it appears that way!) and efficiently.

Cath has been a great role model for myself, her style of writing is both witty and thoughtful and she is able to adapt her tone of voice easily depending on what she is writing about and who it is for.”

Amy Shepherd, copywriter at Calm (Campaign Against Living Miserably)

“As well as being a ray of sunshine and bringing all round good vibes to work, Cath brings so many valuable qualities to the team. Cath is always a pleasure to work with and approaches story telling from a unique angle, looking for inspiration in unexpected places in order to write articles and product copy in a captivating way.

She has a poetic approach to words and a really lovely vocabulary, which gives her work a great tone of voice. Cath adapts to new copy styles well, while still retaining the ‘soul’ of the brand she is working with, something I feel is an important and delicate balance.

I’ve been really impressed by her work, both editorially on articles and in product copy. Her creative way with words lends itself to many topics.”