Lush Book Review… 'The Thrifty Forager' By Alys Fowler

Written for, and owned by, Lush Digital

If you’re besotted with nature, the culinary world, or both, The Thrifty Forager has the power to bring even more fire and fervour to your wild food aspirations. 

Author Alys Fowler’s formative-foraging years began when she was very young. Her mother was experienced in edible mushroom identification, and so Alys spent much of her childhood sourcing food in the countryside with her family and dog by their side. She trained for several years as a horticulturist, and has subsequently dedicated much of her life to growing, identifying and cooking with edible plants.

The impact Alys has made, thus far, to the world of foraging, alone, has been extensive. With a regular gardening column on the Guardian, television shows, and several books on wild food, gardening and beekeeping under her belt, her expertise is undeniable.

Our Highlights from The Thrifty Forager


As well as being tremendously informative, the photographic compilation of experience and ideas that are joyfully smattered across the pages of this book make for a visually-engaging read. You never quite remember what’s next up on the agenda for learning which, rather than feeling frustrating, means that what you’re presented with completely absorbs you in 'the now’.


In the extensive and diverse world of wild food, choosing what to forage can feel overwhelming. Chapters dedicated to showing you ‘How To Work Out What To Eat’, ‘Where you Should Go’ and ‘What To Pick, When’ are especially valuable for the novice, or intermediate, forager.



It’s all well and good skilling up on foraging, but processing what you gather is of as much importance as finding wild edibles. On page 76 of The Thrifty Forager you’ll find a section on how to preserve fruits, and on page 84 an incredibly delicious recipe for wild-green salsa verde. We’ve tasted this and, trust us, it’s every bit as delicious as the wholesome sense of satisfaction you get from foraging its ingredients. For even more wild plant and fruit recipes from Alys, check out her fantastic recipe book, ‘Abundance’.


If you feel compelled to join in 2018’s foraging resurgence then The Thrifty Forager is a tremendous place to start. It’s best used in tandem with practical trips outdoors to apply the fresh knowledge you’ve gained. Heed the advice of BotanistGeorge Washington Carver and consider that:

“Reading about nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully, they can learn more than what is in books.”

Lush Life reporter, Cathleen Malone was wildly lucky to spend a day foraging with Alys Fowler in the Spring of 2018! To gain some valuable knowledge from that check out the video they filmed together, here.


Q&A With: Lush Buying Team Member, Cadi Pink